The history of the bodega dates back to 1780, to the moment when William Garvey fulfilled his dream of founding his own business.

William Garvey arrived in Spain by chance, with the initial intention of finding merino sheep to add to the flock that he already owned in Ireland.
His plans were almost ruined due to a storm in the Bay of Cádiz that caused the ship in which he was travelling to run aground. His life was saved thanks to the actions of a sailor from Cadiz, the father of the woman who would later become Garvey’s wife.

Their romance, and the commercial environment of the city, won Garvey over, so he took up residence and decided to try his luck in an industry that was completely foreign to him, but in which he met with great success.
In January 2017, Emperador Distillers buys Complejo Bodeguero San Patricio with its products, which become part of one of the business groups with more presence in the world of Brandy.

Two types of grapes

Winemaking: turning grapes into wines

Soleras and Criadera System